The World
Tales exist of cataclysmic battles in ages past between beings of immense power, their wrestling causing both creation and destruction. These tales have been shrouded in the mists of time, but may be more real than any dare believe…
The land surrounding the great mountain spire was sullen and poor for growing crops. The first intrepid adventures to brave the sheer cliffs of the great peak told of a spring that produced water of unsurpassed purity, seeming to jet up through the great height of the mountain. Small samples of this water cured diseases and caused otherwise barren soil to produce great harvests.
In the ages since, the people of the realm have built upward to the fount from the base of the spire in an effort to route the saving water from its undiluted source. This has continued until the present day, with the High Throne of the King now occupying the very topmost level of the centuries of architecture layered up the mountainside.
However, as progress was made toward the great peak the older, lower levels were slowly abandoned. Each epoch in the history of the mountainside city brought with it different architectural trends as well as the slipping of its preceeding structures into decrepitude.
Spore-spawned golbins, ancient constructs, ghosts of previous adventurers, and even the living rock of the mountain spire itself are but a few of the dangers to be faced.